Web Portals

In addition to the management of data flows, iXPath offers a web portal service allowing a complete digitalisation of exchanges for our customers and partners. Whatever the IT capacities of your partners, iXPath offers you the possibility to digitise your flows.

Simplify the display and management of standard documents

Without any specific development, iXPath offers web portal parameterization functionalities in order to :


Display documents in a clear and readable way by a user

Attach documents

Modify these documents and generate a return flow

Ajouter fichier

Trigger the creation of a new document, for example a delivery note

* Following the validation of an order and to generate a return flow to the ordering party.

All types of flows and processes can be configured, including processes specific to our clients’ businesses. We offer webform templates for standard processes such as order entry, order confirmations and order tracking, delivery notes, etc.

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